Crocodile Square

Stop feeding the nationalist crocodile or eventually it will eat you

LAST WEEK was a very ugly week in Scottish politics. Yes it could be almost any week you might say, but last week was really ugly. The slide into Peronism continues with the intimidation into exile of BBC’s top journalist in Scotland and daughter of the late Labour leader John Smith, Sarah.

Unionists have long pointed to the pernicious culture running through the Nationalists like a stick of Blackpool rock. We do not help ourselves. In the the same week we discovered that Derek Mackay, the former finance minister who groomed a 16-year-old boy with hundreds of messages, has set up a consultancy.

Cue the protestations that this man will seek to trouser taxpayers money by being a client of the Scottish government, but not from MSPs, who tended to agree with another Nat supplicant that dear Derek had “made some mistakes and has the right to move on with his life”. What is the point of such milksop opposition?

Why is it that Holyrood list-seaters try so hard to make friends with the Nats? Why too is it that journalists like Alistair Grant seek to reheat cold dead stories than work hard to publish real news instead of the tedious contrived filler based on the independence “debate” here? Analysis: As independence debate heats up, should we worry about state of public debate? | The Scotsman

When we discuss abuse and addiction very often we forget to include discussion into the most indolent yet dangerous component of it. Enablement.

Enablers are those who create a space where abuse can flourish. They provide the means by which abusers access their victims and the narcissistic supply so many abusers crave. They reactivate well travelled pathways in the brain, by providing prompts and reminders to those who really cannot move their minds to more productive pursuits.

So often we are told the independence debate is “heating up”, “boiling over”, “becoming a crunch issue” and then the journalists retreat to the hills and ask why the nasty crocodile is biting them?

Well, it’s biting everyone because you have fed it. It could easily be the same with far-right activists or indeed those on the far-left. If the BBC or the Scotsman, often referred to as the Hootsman, started weekly news reports of the antics of Toomy Robinson or Britain First, one could imagine their behaviour worsening to court media attention.

In reality the best way to deal with extremists is to starve them of oxygen. We know there is no possible legal means to an independence referendum, indeed the most credible threat to the union now is the Tories “heating up” the question every time there is an election. Again, we all suffer from the bites when someone feeds the beast.

Independence, like any strategy based on annihilation, is a game you win by not playing. That’s a problem for a cadre of journalists and MSPs who offer very little and certainly nothing of UK-wide significance if they are feeding the beast. In place of independence we have toxic symbiotic co-dependence from which we all pay a great price.

As the years roll by and the state gets ever larger, every encroachment into our lives only adds to the nationalist payroll. If there is a new Chief Medical Officer, or any of many third sector chairs, it will be to the last a Nat. This is why removing the SNP from power is so crucial, because they are not standing still. They are using state capture to erode every institution we hold dear. Have you looked at the history taught in Scottish schools lately?

The legal profession is another profession under attack. When Roddy Dunlop QC publicly challenges the government for fear of losing judicial independence, we need to look up and wake up. When the BBC’s Scotland editor is jeered into exile, we need to look up and wake up. When the Chief Medical Officer retweets overt political attacks on the British Government (who is his ultimate boss), we need to look up and wake up. Each of these threats is but another tentacle of the same vampire squid, sucking the dignity and decency out of public life.

To whom do we turn to? A servile client media class who feeds the crocodile ever more and an opposition who back-pats sexual predators, and a yes, a 40-something-year-old minister grooming a 16-year-old boy IS sexual predation. Let’s call it so. There are teachers now before disciplinary panels for less. Why should ministers be any different?

Wherever unionism goes, we have to start from where we are and that means facing down some uncomfortable truths. The mainstream media and legacy parties are all part of the enabling class, who think foolishly they have managed to tame Nationalism as an incompetent regional government. They could not be more wrong.

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Photo of Crocodile by navyfan from Pixabay


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