The more you know, the more you know you don’t know
A new biography of Alexander von Humboldt WE HAVE JUST celebrated approximately the fourteen billionth New Year that the universe has enjoyed since it came
A new biography of Alexander von Humboldt WE HAVE JUST celebrated approximately the fourteen billionth New Year that the universe has enjoyed since it came
The sound of silence: Angus Martin and the Mull of Kintyre MY CONTRIBUTION to the festive spirit this year will be to abstain from thought
Life, death and planning policy in fighting Ukraine and socialist Argyll NOW that the soft, amnesiac blanket of caring, north-London socialism has fallen again on
Revealing a climate scientist who believed in a new ice age, and why, despite the fact that he went on to become one of the
Ian Mitchell’s Book Recommendations Radical by Nature: The Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace – by James T. Costa Princeton University Press, 552 pages, Hardback
THIRTY YEARS AGO this summer, John L. Mearsheimer, the Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, published an important paper in Foreign Affairs,