Think Culture

October 5, 2024
Hamish Gobson

Humza Youboat all at sea

Hamish Gobson’s diary: the view from across the Uisge 20 April 2023           “WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE between a U-saff and a U-turn?”           This is

Hamish Gobson

Nationalism and corruption in Barcelona

Hameesh al-Qobson’s diary: the view after leaving the Maghreb 14 April 2023 REPULSED by the thought of returning too suddenly to Yousavian Scotland, I decide

Hamish Gobson

The hidden hand on Humza’s tiller

Hameesh al-Qobson’s diary: the view from across the Maghreb 6 April 2023 WHEN I AM OUTSIDE the jurisdiction, I do gig work under cover for

Anjan Luthra

Cricket Scotland must remain open to all

ON 31 MARCH 2023, I resigned from my position as Chair and Director of Cricket Scotland Limited. I fundamentally disagree with the way sportscotland is operating

Gail MacDonald

Holyrood’s Curriculum for Sexcellence

LOOKING TO THE FUTURE, it’s super that future generations will leave our Scottish schools comfortable with knowing the right labels for body parts and sex

Hamish Gobson

From high heels to open-toed sandals?

Hamish Gobson’s diary: the view from across the Maghreb 14 March 2023 I HAVE come to Morocco for a few weeks to escape the outbreak

Gail MacDonald

Harry. Thank You. Next.

GOT TO HAND It to business guru Harry who brought home the bacon on Saturday as he found there are people prepared to pay £17

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