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Think Scotland

Founded in 2006 ThinkScotland’s editorial outlook has always been right-of-centre – with the aim of explaining and defending free markets and an open liberal society – but crucially without endorsing any one political party. You need not agree with everything that’s published but we hope you recognise the need for a vital, dynamic debate in Scotland – as well as a channel for lighthearted and humorous asides that make ThinkScotland a rounded and broad home for writing.


Think Politics

The SNP Record: good or bad? Executive Report

IN THIS report – published by ThinkScotland.org and available here – the data, mostly produced by the Scottish government itself, demonstrates the SNP, despite being in power over

Think Business

How the Government fear campaign works

THE POSTER BELOW aims to trigger fear. I asked a leading psychologist to tell me her reaction to the poster. This is what she said:

Think Politics

First do no harm – An open letter from health professionals and scientists to the UK Prime Minister & First Ministers of the home nations

ThinkScotland article from Wednesday 2, December, 2020 An open letter signed by nearly 500 health professionals and scientists has been sent to the Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon and Mark Drakeford. The letter, entitled “First do no harm” – the medical principle that a cure must never be worse than the disease itself – argues that […]

Think Politics

Daily Political Newspaper Summary: 2 June 2010

Politics Fiscal powers: A campaign is to be launched tomorrow calling for greater fiscal powers for Holyrood, beyond those proposed by the Calman Commission.   Ben Thomson,

Think Politics

Daily Political Media Summary: 22 April 2010

General Election TV debate: Comment and speculation ahead of the second TV debate between the leaders of the UK parties.  Tonight’s debate on Sky News

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